Welly Courier

Welly Courier

Project Description

WELLY COURIER is a registered trade name with incorporation No. 514593 under the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA). Welly Courier is under WELLY GROUP COMPANY LIMITED. The Intracity business is based on the transportation and delivery of parcels and documents within Dar es Salaam and later to Tanzania and all over the world.


- Vision

To establish high-standard of courier service that will be effective & efficient in Tanzania and later to the World by filling the gap in the courier industry.

- Mission

To provide good service to our customers by delivering their parcels on time in a professional way, through setting and enforcing standard services and promoting policies that will enhance innovation, efficiency, and accountability in delivery service.

  • Parcel Delivery
  • Food Courier Seervice
  • Solution for Baggage
  • Letter dispatch and distribution
  • Small Cargo Transportation
  • City Leavy

Courier services for food products is a unique top quality dispatch service obtainable at Welly Group. Customers that create culinary delights such as pickles freshly made, spices, sweets, homemade foods, and masala products can easily and safely send them to their clients.