Car RentalCourier ServiceTax ConsultationAir Ticketing
We are WELLY GROUP COMPANY LIMITED, a well-established service provider in Tanzania, incorporated on the 29th day of October 2019 under the companies act, 2002 that the company is limited with registration number 140264679 under BRELA.
Four Business lines of WELLY GROUP COMPANY LIMITED are fully operational as of now; Welly Cars, Welly Courier, Welly International Consultancy, and We-Fly. We are a team of young but experienced professionals that have the vision of transforming the business to fit to the new generation through innovation and integration. Our team members/workers are well screened. We select the best and yet we conduct trainings from time to time to ensure that the team is well equipped with latest knowledge.
Our Business Lines
Welly Cars
Welly Cars is a service provider for renting & leasing motors for the short and long term and has been registered here in Tanzania as a business under BRELA with registration number 484361. Also, we do hire/service wed- ding ceremonies, burial ceremonies, airport pick-up and drop-offs, and executive town trips with a wide fleet of cars from saloon cars to large SUVs.
Welly courier
WELLY COURIER is a registered trade name with incorporation No. 514593 under the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA). Welly Courier is under WELLY GROUP COMPANY LIMITED. The Intracity business is based on the transportation and delivery of parcels and documents within Dar es Salaam and later to Tanzania and all over the world.
Welly International
Welly International Consultancy is the business name under welly group company limited registered under BRELA with registration number 476521 as Tax Consultant moreover, we are tax specialists with the right combination of taxation skills, experience, under the knowledge of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar tax laws as well as international tax laws which provide greater advantage to our clients to have high confidence on all matters concerning taxation.
WE-FLY is the business name under WELLY GROUP COMPANY LIMITED with the main aim of servicing the clients with the intention to cover the gap in the airline industry. We are an Airline Ticketing Agency for both local and International Flights. Now the company operates in air- line ticketing for local and international flights but with a great urge to own airline permits and air- planes for Africa and later around the world.
Our Competency
Our Values
WELLY GROUP’S commitment to sustainable business practices and client satisfaction is reiterated in the company’s underlying values that those core values are driven through five key areas of our business practices.